Cahiers d’EMAM, “Sahara occidental: mémoires, culture, histoires”, free access

Cahiers d’EMAM, “Sahara occidental: mémoires, culture, histoires”, free access
3 August 2017 477 Comments on Cahiers d’EMAM, “Sahara occidental: mémoires, culture, histoires”, free accessLes Cahiers d’EMAM, 24-25, 2015 : “Sahara occidental: mémoires, culture, histoires”
Under the direction of Francesco Correale and Juan Carlos Gimeno Martìn
This issue of the Cahiers d’EMAM is a bilingual thematic issue on Western Sahara. It brings together the results of a three-year research project (2008-2011) carried out within the framework of funding from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education and coordinated by the Autonomous University of Madrid. The texts are organized in three parts: the first part offers an overview of the socio-historical reality of the Saharawi people; The second part is composed of texts focusing in particular on a political economy approach to Spanish colonialism, while the articles in the third and last part focus on the way in which the history of Western Sahara and the memories of the Saharawi people. The texts gathered thus offer a series of critical, historical and social reflections that are quite varied, allowing the reader to become aware of several interpretive scenarios about the history of Saharan society and the Saharawi people.
All articles in this issue of the Cahiers d’EMAM were originally written in Spanish before being translated into French, apart from that of M. Jesús M. Martinez Milán, which the author himself presented in French, and Francesco Correale, whose original version is in Italian and subsequently translated into the two official languages of this issue. Readers will find the texts in both languages, both in the online version and in the paper version.
The work of the editorial staff was not limited to the collection of texts and their organization but also to the supervision and follow-up of the translations through a continuous exchange with the authors and the editorial committee of the journal. The objective pursued was, in effect, to restore in the French version the most authentic, and not merely literal, meaning of the texts originally written in Spanish.
For this reason, Francesco Correale and Juan Carlos Gimeno Martín, as editors of this dossier, would like to thank the members of the editorial staff of Cahiers d’EMAM, and in particular Mr Pierre Signoles, for reading and reviewing the All the articles in their French version, and Mrs Sophie Caratini for her revision of the text by Mrs Claudia Barona Castañeda. They also thank Mrs Florence Troin for her work in cartography and iconography, and to Mr François Fièvre for the seriousness and efficiency with which he put online All the articles of this issue of the EMAM Cahiers.