Call for papers – L’Ouest saharien journal

Call for papers – L’Ouest saharien journal
17 December 2018 Comments Off on Call for papers – L’Ouest saharien journalThe journal L’Ouest Saharien is an international multidisciplinary journal offering rigorous analyzes of social, political, cultural and economic dynamics, crossing an area from the Moroccan and Algerian south to the Senegal and Niger rivers, including Western Sahara, Mauritania, Mali and Niger.
The journal accepts proposals for thematic issues and original articles in three languages: French, Spanish and English.
The journal has an editorial committee as well as an international reading committee, bringing together specialists of this region, from different disciplines and using one or more of these three languages.
The texts are subjected to a double anonymous evaluation, carried out by members of the reading committee or, failing that, by external experts.
Proposals for original articles must not exceed 45,000 characters, including spaces and bibliography. They must be sent in Word format, Times New Roman, single spacing.
Proposals for thematic issues must come in the form of a one-page pitch (in Word format) and may either propose a list of proposed authors (subject to acceptance of their texts after evaluation), or appear in the form of an open call for contributions.
Book (paper or PDF) reviews must be between 6000 and 8000 characters (spaces and notes included).
The journal is particularly interested in articles based on recent or current research.
Here is a list of themes that could be addressed in the coming years: West Saharan archeology; West Saharan Islam today; Issues around natural resources; Memory and writing of West Saharan history; inequalities, hierarchies, social emancipation; Migration, exile, refugees; languages, web and (new) oralities; Music and political commitment; Freedom of expression and new media; Cities and urbanization; West Saharan pastoralism; Coastal issues: between exploitation and conservation of resources
Proposals to send to: