El último número del Spanish Yearbook of International Law

El último número del Spanish Yearbook of International Law
29 March 2023 Comments Off on El último número del Spanish Yearbook of International LawAlgunos artículos de este último número están dedicados al Sáhara Occidental:
Morocco, occupying power of Western Sahara: some notes about Spain’s foreign legal policy, the role of the Spanish doctrine and the rule of law in international relations
Jaume Ferrer Lloret
Is autonomy the solution to the Western Sahara conflict?
Juan Soroeta Liceras
Diplomatic Manoeuvres in the Dark: How Spain changed its Position on the Western Sahara
Javier A. González Vega
The supposed shift that marginalizes Spain from the resolution of Western Sahara conflict
Isaías Barreñada Bajo
The Western Sahara Conflict: impact on Sahrawi people´s human rights: intended solidarity or breach of international responsibility
María López Belloso
Delimitation of Maritime Spaces Between Spain and Morocco
José Antonio de Yturriaga Barberán
Natural Resources in the Western Sahara Conflict
Raquel Ojeda-García, Samara López-Ruiz
The Spanish nationality of the inhabitants of Western Sahara
Alfonso Ortega Giménez
Encuentre el PDF de estos artículos en acceso abierto aquí: https://sybil.tirant.com/sybil/index