Spain retired from Western Sahara in 1976 without having fulfilled the obligation to completely decolonize the territory. Forty years later, the question remains. Morocco continues to occupy the territory, without any international recognition. The Polisario Front has created a Saharawi state in exile and demands the self-determination referendum that was promised by the UN. The international community promotes a mutually satisfactory political agreement, but despite the intentions of peace, half the Saharawi people still live in refugee camps built in the middle of the desert.
This book offers a comprehensive overview of the current situation in Western Sahara. It portrays the complex reality of the Saharawi people and, in short, the memory of a state that has been in exile for over forty years.
New publication : “Sahara Occidental, 40 años después”

New publication : “Sahara Occidental, 40 años después”
13 June 2017 Comments Off on New publication : “Sahara Occidental, 40 años después”