Call for papers – Workshop June 2018 : Margins, Marginality, Marginalization and Contestation in Middle East and North Africa

Call for papers – Workshop June 2018 : Margins, Marginality, Marginalization and Contestation in Middle East and North Africa

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The workshop “Margins, Marginalities, Marginalization and Contestation in the Middle East
and North Africa (MENA)”, which is proposed here, will examine the margins and forms of
marginalities, spatial, economic, social, cultural and political existing in the MENA, as well
as the various processes of marginalization that produce them. A certain number of
researchers analysing the realities of the MENA countries have in fact considered the
“revolutionary” processes and the social movements that marked them during the last years,
as emanating from the social and spatial margins, having largely found their roots and triggers
in situations of various forms of marginality and in processes of increasing marginalization
linked to the global evolutions of these countries (Ayeb H, 2011, Achcar G, 20013, Lamloum
O, & Ali Ben Zina M , 20015, Abdelrahman M, 20015). During the workshop, we will reflect
on the relevance of these polysemic notions, commonly used in both the common language
and the social sciences.

The workshop will take place in June 2018 at Paris 8 – Vincennes University in Saint Denis (France) and will last three days. Within the limits of the possibilities, including financial ones, it is envisaged a participation turning around 25 contributions. Broad participation of scholars from countries of the Middle East is desired and will be promoted.

Contacts : Habib Ayeb <> / Ireton François <>


– 15 August 2017: Dissemination of the call for papers.
– 31 October 2017: Submission of abstracts (one page maximum in French and English).
– 15 December 2017: Notification of acceptance of the presentation by the scientific
– 28 February 2018: Final confirmation of participation.
– March 31, 2018: Submission of final versions (French & English) of the abstracts (for
the printing of the workshop pamphlet).
– 13 – 15 June 2018: Provisional dates of the workshop (to be confirmed).

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