New publication “Around Western Sahara: ongoing research, testimonies and novels”. L’Ouest saharien, issue 12

New publication “Around Western Sahara: ongoing research, testimonies and novels”. L’Ouest saharien, issue 12
31 March 2021 Comments Off on New publication “Around Western Sahara: ongoing research, testimonies and novels”. L’Ouest saharien, issue 12“Autour du Sahara Occidental : recherches en cours, témoignages et nouvelles” in Cahiers L’Ouest saharien, n°12, 2020, 278 p.
This issue of L’Ouest saharien is published in the context of the resumption of the war in Western Sahara, which raises great uncertainties about the political and military situation in the coming months in the region. It gives an idea of the vitality of contemporary research on Western Sahara, with the work of young researchers who brilliantly grasp and renew historical, political or even legal questions. It also offers two very personal testimonies from diplomats who occupied UN functions at key moments in the history of this territory, historical material which sheds light and nourishes in their own way the history of the conflict. Finally, this volume 12 honors an important author of the group of “Cubaraouis” poets of the Generación de la Amistad, Limam Boicha, of whom we offer four unpublished short stories. A very varied volume that allows to take a necessary step back on the hot news of this territory.
sommaire n°12 L’Ouest saharien – 2020