New publicación – Rebelarse en el desierto. Movilizaciones políticas en el oeste sahariano (1932-2020), Francesco Correale, Laura Feliu, Alberto López Bargados

New publicación – Rebelarse en el desierto. Movilizaciones políticas en el oeste sahariano (1932-2020), Francesco Correale, Laura Feliu, Alberto López Bargados
26 July 2023 Comments Off on New publicación – Rebelarse en el desierto. Movilizaciones políticas en el oeste sahariano (1932-2020), Francesco Correale, Laura Feliu, Alberto López BargadosFrancesco Correale, Laura Feliu, Alberto López Bargados (ed.), 2022. Rebelarse en el desierto. Movilizaciones políticas en el oeste sahariano (1932-2020), Barcelona, Alborán Bellaterra, 634 p.
The Western Sahara is an indisputable historical and cultural area. Populated for centuries by human groups essentially dedicated to pastoral nomadism, and united by a common language (Hassaniyya, an Arabic dialect) and Islamic tradition, the territory between the last foothills of the Moroccan Atlas Mountains and the Senegal River has experienced, like other regions of the African continent, the tragedies and contradictions caused by French and Spanish colonial action. Between the colonial powers, Spain and France, a fierce competition took place in the Western Sahara, resulting in a strange mosaic of absurd borders and interposed sovereignties. This book aims to map some of the resistances provoked by this double European intervention on the vast expanses of the desert, as well as to examine the social and political consequences of the dark colonial legacy, which is still painfully present, as demonstrated by the unfinished dossier of Western Sahara.