CALL for papers – L’Ouest saharien Journal – Heritage

CALL for papers – L’Ouest saharien Journal – Heritage
17 April 2020 Comments Off on CALL for papers – L’Ouest saharien Journal – HeritageFind the description of the call : Appel à contributions – Cahiers L’Ouest saharien – Patrimoine
Authors interested in the subject are asked to send an abstract of their proposal before May 15, 2020 to : and The deadline for receipt of finished articles, the summary of which will have been previously accepted, is fixed at the end of October 2020.
The following publication schedule is planned:
- May 15, 2020: deadline for receipt of abstracts.
- End of May: results of abstracts’ evaluation.
- End of October 2020: receipt of texts (V1; max. 45,000 caracters, notes and bibliography included).
- End of December 2020: transmission to the authors of the anonymous double evaluation of their text.
- End of February 2021: receipt of the corrected version of the texts (V2).
- End of April: possible new requests for correction to authors.
- End of June: receipt of final versions of the texts (V3).
- Autumn 2021: publication of the issue.