• Webinar – Tuesday 15 February 2022 at 6pm: Nonviolent action in a context of renewed war in Western Sahara
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    “A webinar to highlight a largely forgotten conflict! co-organised by Non-Violence XXI and the Observatoire universitaire international du Sahara Occidental (OUISO) Programme: “Non-violent action in a context of renewed war in Western Sahara” After three decades of ceasefire in Western Sahara and the expectation that the United Nations (MINURSO) would organise a referendum on self-determination,…

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  • Letter from OUISO to the Presidency of IRD: Request for clarification on IRD research partnerships in Western Sahara
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    Paris, 17th of December 2020, Dear Colleague, Dear CEO of IRD, In June 2020, our observatory published on its website a news item about the signing of research conventions between the IRD and some Moroccan communities or institutions relating to research conducted in the "Moroccan Sahara" according to the terminology used by the IRD communication...

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  • In the media: News on the situation of Sahrawi political prisoners
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    Reference: Perez, Benito, "Inquiétudes pour les détenus sahraouis", le courrier, 27 September 2019. Human rights: Moroccan reprisals against Claude Mangin and her husband, the Sahrawi activist Nâama Asfari, have worried UN experts. Under the leadership of its Commissioner Ana Racu, the United Nations Committee against Torture (CAT) announced this summer its next visit to Moroccan...

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  • New book, Pierre Bonte : Identities and social & cultural change in West Sahara
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    BONTE Pierre, Identités et changement socioculturel dans l’Ouest saharien (Mauritanie, Sahara Occidental, Maroc), Paris, Karthala, 2017 This book deals with the evolution of the West Saharan region within the boundaries imposed on local populations by the Spanish and French colonizers, a development marked by a process of late decolonization and still unfinished according to international…

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  • Conference Alice Wilson – Sovereignty in exile – Paris, 29 January 2018, 17h
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    Monday the 29th of January 2018, 17h-19h, Alice Wilson, Lecturer at the University of Sussex, will present in French her book “Sovereignty in exile: A Saharan Liberation Movement governs”, published in 2016. Sovereignty in Exile explores sovereignty and state power through the case of a liberation movement that set out to make itself into a state….

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  • Call for contributions – ASAI – Bologna, 5-7 September 2018
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    ASAI V Fifth Conference of the Association for African Studies in Italy (Associazione per gli Studi Africani in Italia) Plural Africa : Politics, knowledge and social dynamics in time and space Department of Political and Social Sciences – University of Bologna, 5-7 September 2018 ASAI V Bologna – Call for panels – Eng

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  • Moyent-Orient journal : a special folder on Western Sahara here online
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    The Moyen-Orient journal published in the 4th quarter of 2016, No. 32, a special folder on Western Sahara. This issue has 4 contributions, of which you will find the PDF below: WILSON_MO32- CORREALE_MO32 DEL-MORAL_MO32- BOULAY-BUQUET_MO32 We express our warmest thanks to the director of this publication, Guillaume Fourmont, who kindly accepted that OUISO put these…

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  • Sovereignty in Exile A Saharan Liberation Movement Governs
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    New publication on Western Sahara Sovereignty in Exile explores sovereignty and state power through the case of a liberation movement that set out to make itself into a state. The Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) was founded by the Polisario Front in the wake of Spain’s abandonment of its former colony, the disputed Western Sahara….

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  • Journal “L’Ouest saharien” online via l’Harmattan
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    It is possible to order different issues of the multidisciplinary journal “L’Ouest Saharien” through the website of the Parisian publishing house L’Harmattan. Journal published since 1998 by Emmanuel Martinoli, Pierre Boilley and Ali Omar Yara. This journal is the only academic journal in the region and a valuable source of information and analysis for students…

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  • New publication : Les récits d’origine, Pierre Bonte
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    Last publication of our late colleague, Pierre Bonte Bonte Pierre, 2016, Les récits d’origine. Contribution à la connaissance du passé ouest-saharien (Mauritanie, Maroc, Sahara Occidental, Algérie et Mali), Paris, Karthala En s’inspirant de l’analyse structurale des mythes, Pierre Bonte propose une méthode de traitement des « récits d’origine » ouest-sahariens dont le statut est resté…

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