Women in the Sahara and the Sahel – L’Ouest saharien journal, issue 16

Women in the Sahara and the Sahel – L’Ouest saharien journal, issue 16
11 July 2022 Comments Off on Women in the Sahara and the Sahel – L’Ouest saharien journal, issue 16Notice of publication
C. Evrard & E. Pettigrew, 2022, Femmes du Sahara-Sahel: Transformation sociales et conditions de vie, Cahiers L’Ouest saharien, n°16, 232 p.
There are few works on women in the humanities and social sciences literature on the Saharo-Sahelian region. This dossier reveals precisely these shortcomings while inviting readers to immerse themselves in some of the contemporary issues in which the living conditions of women in the region are intertwined: empowerment in migration, access to rights, power struggles and political participation, changes in gender relations and relations between statutory groups in societies where birth inequalities still weigh heavily, relations to the body and self-construction, effects of sedentarization on the place of women in society. So many subjects that offer stimulating avenues of research.
Note in this issue two articles on Western Sahara:
Enrique Bengochea: « El Corán dice de devolver la dote ». El archivo colonial frente a la resistencia de las mujeres
Vivian Solana : Household Militancies: Beyond the Hypervisible Gendered Publics of a Sahrawi Revolutionary Nationalism
Contents: SOMMAIRE – n°16 L’Ouest saharien 2022